Bromeslim is a significant food supplement which combines more benefits than just help in weight-loss process. Bromelain is a substance which can play an important role in the fight against joint pains, as it has strong antiinflammatory...
B17 is rightfully the most interesting and most highly demanded vitamin of our times, which significantly affects blood circulation. It can be helpful in cases of inflammations and infections, and simultaneously...
MACA is being used against chronic tiredness, lack of appetite, osteoporosis, irregular menstruation, hormonal disorders, depressive moods. It treats sexual disorders, impotence, frigidity and sterility of both men and women...
One of the most precious gifts of the “natural pharmacy” is the plant called Uncaria tomentosa. This plant, often labeled as a sacred herb of Incas or as the queen of Amazon healing herbs, is known by the name of Uňa de Gato, i.e. Cat’s Claw.